Retrospective Activity

Winning Streak

Standard Easy   Popularity: 3  

This activity:

  • Celebration
  • Successful cadence


This activity focus is on what has worked well for the team, celebrate success, and set the stage for repeated wins!

Big wins

For the specific activity, the facilitator could use these points to describe the process:

  • The Big wins column is for notes about processes, collaboration, and work tasks that had an impact on the successes of the deliverable.
  • The Teamwork column is for notes about the procedures that your team has followed and helped in achieving your goals.
  • The Repetition column is for notes on maintaining the success that the team has achieved.
  • The Kudos column is for recognizing your teammates contribution to the goal you achieved.

Onboarding the team to the selected activity is important for a successful meeting. To learn more on what's needed to onboard your team to a retrospective meeting, read here.

Tips & Tricks

Use this activity right after a big team success, where the memories are still fresh! Keeping your focus on what's working will help the team extract useful knowledge to feed your next cycle.

When starting this activity, highlight the importance of the 'kudos' column as it will energize individuals and promote further the positive feeling.

Popularity: 3

The "Winning Streak" activity is often used among Team O'clock teams. It seems that a few teams use this activity for their retrospectives.


Winning Streak

Standard Easy

Big wins

What are we proud of


Team procedures that help achieve our goals


How can we maintain success


Shoutout to people doing great work

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