Retrospective Activity
Playful Medium Popularity: 3
This activity:
For this activity imagine that the team is hiking up a mountain with the goal to reach the top. This activity will help the team identify the items that slow them down, and the things propelling the team to move towards the sprint goal.
For the specific activity, the facilitator could use these points to describe the process:
Make sure that the team pays attention to all the columns of this activity as they are equally important.
It could be helpful if the team identified the relation between obstacles and mile markers as a way to focus the team effort. If an obstacle is found higher than a specific mile marker it means that the team can focus on that obstacle after reaching the marker.
The "Mountain Hiking" activity is often used among Team O'clock teams. It seems that a few teams use this activity for their retrospectives.
Playful Medium
How are we feeling, how is the morale
What help us reach our goals
What is blocking us
What important milestones did we reach or have yet to reach