Retrospective Activity

Hopes and Concerns

Futurespective Medium   Popularity: 1  

This activity:

  • Easy to follow
  • Focus on team feelings
  • Good for identifying/addressing issues


This activity is great before starting something, helping members share their hopes and concerns for that upcoming item.


For the specific activity, the facilitator could use these points to describe the process:

  • The Hopes column is for notes on items that the team hope they happen.
  • The Concerns column is for notes on items that the team is worried about happening and will need to be addressed.

Onboarding the team to the selected activity is important for a successful meeting. To learn more on what's needed to onboard your team to a retrospective meeting, read here.

Tips & Tricks

The Hopes and Concerns activity can be used both for describing a specific project that team has taken over, as well as to describe the team collaboration and processes.

The activity focus is on the team's collective hopes and concerns. Focus on team and avoid going personal.

Popularity: 1

The "Hopes and Concerns" activity is rarely used among Team O'clock teams. It seems that only a few teams use this activity for their retrospectives.


Hopes and Concerns

Futurespective Medium


Things you hope will happen


Things that you feel will need addressing

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